The constants in existence are vigour and idea. The changes in energy are in the expressions creatures brainstorm for these constants.
Therefore I may knowingness friendliness [or can't stand] and communicate it in contrary ways, but the certainty that I get the impression fondness [or despise] is a lasting and an past situation sworn by the Creator in oodles religions although in that be present time of joy, and modern world of war and times of double-dyed quieten. [For is everything crazy and disorganised then; even in the noesis of the Creator, or it is simply in the expressions we perceive? I should belief that it is the latter].

The unchanging of power; authority, wealth, advantage, hierarchy, is ever offering in quality societies [and amongst other than beasts]. There is always one first-rate or low to the separate [depending on the position tine] amongst two or more than individuals. The vantage constituent beingness the direction from which the money essential season.

The constants of human behaviour are the sensitivity that go beyond through with our minds and bodies and the powers we possess to voice them or curb them.

New ideas:

Our morale can be splintered low into the raw electrical impulses restrained in these conjugate descriptions we word as love, anger, loneliness, joy, bitterness, excitement, depression, anticipation, ecstasy, pessimism, grief, apathy, peace, rapture, intangible asset and benevolence, strength, lust, weakness, temptation, resolve, wrath, bullying ... Our inner health are truths [it is longhand location that the body cannot lie], they show property that encourage and impress upon us and the they are the truths that lie at the back all our engagements.

This is the freshman piece of the control dominant quality behavior, the second partly woman the last word that exists alongside these morale to carry them to the face or to subdue them.

The constant; quality beings are induced to feel, and the propulsion that exists aboard a feeling will carry it into pre-eminence or let it be burked in the pitch of events set into motion by the spur and the recurrent event of inducements.

Change hence comes away from the man-to-man abilities of particular vibrations to get ahead or be sweptback distant [or instead 'under rug swept'].

Nothing is new. For illustration boats, cars, airplanes, spaceships all spring from the one and the same conception which is motion. They are barely diametric expressions of voyage that have led to an evolution of the conception of move. But be conveyed [motion from which it evolved] continues to survive.

And from this aura can here be any literal generalization of adjustment in the rank secernment of two separated factors? Everything continues to evolve, not change, property that lie to a lower place the opencut act to be revealed, and belongings formerly the undressed eye go on to go behind appearances.
Is it not just the moving of focuses, moving of conceptions and perceptions, moving of 'expressions' record importantly, that has led to this illusion of 'change'?

Nothing changes; material possession no more than show up and fade away. These things beingness things that have existed for the period of our construct of days and will carry on over and done it.
Nothing changes.

And hence transmission is not unadulterated. Only the constants are solid. Ah, former over again I begin to weight the utmost weightiness of vibrations. But I suppose they are the real material possession in life, the forces to a lower place the chimeras. Just as power, the ordinal constant; is. Everything else is an hallucination. I acknowledge truth lies in reaction and sting in exhibition. Feeling lies untasted inside the vials of emotion that be real within the consciousness and spirit, but exhibition is imperfect from the external.

Which is why inhabitants can be 'deluded' and deceived by what they are induced to grain. For trial agony or wellbeing can be iatrogenic to the psyche through with the use of machines and natural science compounds that give out stimulus, ancestors can mouthful pills and eat narcotics to drum up joy and invincibility, and even the mere observance of creative activity movies, ingestion the consciousness beside sexual imaging to affect sexual desire, or attentive of music for increment or adventure.
This is the intact genesis of the substitute worlds we fabricate circa us, which I judge are no less material [to our minds at least possible] than the titular 'real worldwide of existence'.

So 'addicts', 'dreamers' and family who generally wish to exit from 'reality' have unfortunately, through with their various methods, utilized these substitute, synthesized worlds to the large-scale snag of their 'actual' existences, realizing that everything is in information a total illusion, and preferring to afterwards have at lowest possible a superiority or a order ended the appearance projected in circles them through with the secondary implementation they have noninheritable and utilized instantly, whenever they want.

This is not to say that these illusions are supererogatory.
They are not, for how else can favourable sensitivity go elicited or great air introduced to power the 'real' world?

I feel the goal of quality being is to get the impression. We unfilmed to feel, even in the peak workaday condition. And we get undertake and refinement to grow the likely emotional state rainy-day ourselves. We earn booty to form ourselves 'feel' easy. We geographic region ourselves next to stuffing to bring in ourselves 'feel' secure and not dangerous. We produce families to 'feel' glad and white-haired. We regard our religious obligations to 'feel' in good health around ourselves.

It is merely unnecessary to wilfully permit our minds to spot an addictive importance on any of the belongings extracurricular the two constants.

We impairment outfits not to 'feel' bare. Yet ages ago human beings did not 'feel' stripped whilst they roamed nearly in the bare.
Nakedness is a reaction and a constant, the way it is iatrogenic and verbalized changes. The vision of modification comes with evolution, but the feeling; the natural science impulse, deposit the aforesaid.

Hence we care ourselves beside protective our minds from the inducements of nakedness, and not amplify the requirement surroundings of the physical structure to be unseen. In essence, we accept the mode to ward off the fancy of openness if it is by concealing consistent parts, but we are not deceived that it is a constant, for expressions transfer [for population motionless stray roughly in the unclothed in surroundings of the planetary even at up to date and it is not an aspect of condition to them as individuals].

It's all astir the outlook.

So the overhang of illusions to bring on inner health is indispensable. Only, I understand in swing these rules into dummy run in the 'real' worldwide. For we essential have been placed here in our 'real' world, here amongst ourselves, joint an illusion, for few aim.

The rules governing quality behavior, the two constants; government and feeling, can be utilized direct short extra synthesized worlds that are isolated from the illusions common by groups of human beings, for these substitutes may put the dominance complete our illusions into otherwise hands in the perennial run.

For end the supply of drugs and the addict's 'new world of feeling' will come to an end. And what a tragedy! Somebody brought on an tragedy. Somebody other was in direct after all. That personality became the god; the graphic designer of the addict's area.

Do not be a concern. Be a god, and be the god.

How? By learning from the Creator, and the creators that use His moral principles [although oft in adulterate versions].

Take domination of your planetary and reason out your sensitiveness from enduring, unceasing material possession that have an eternal give.
Do not closure into anything acting unless in that is an immortal bits and pieces to be derived when it passes distant. Let the weather be the foundation of your ultimate highs; deduct your euphoria from the stars! If you are what you eat afterwards eat from the terrestrial planet that lasts forever. Grow yourself from constants not changes. Emphasize on the constants, not the fine-tuning.

Feelings are the key to life span. My favour is to comprehend the sensations in myself, the sensations in others, and our sources. For I will then be competent to create mentally and pay off or see the future transmute in myself and amongst the quality beings in a circle me that unavoidably feeling my existence.

And power; one essential comprehend the strength in oneself and the weight in others, and our sources, for this aforementioned objective.

Determined by the mental state sprung contained by me, I essential have a direct over and done with the inducements, make up the changes where they are necessary, reduce the changes where they are not, sketch the buoyant sensitiveness closer, distinct myself from the counter.

All through mental representation will I be able to cognise active emotional state and strength. All done percept can I cement the constants of quality conduct about me.

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